i have a few prayer requests that i want to share with you. i don't know this couple at all, but it is a couple that has been members of the church we've been attending for a while. their names are TJ and Katie. they have 2 children and one on the way. a few nights ago katie suffered from a brain aneurysm that ruptured. she is in the hospital on life support, but they are saying that she is pretty much brain dead. she is being kept on the machines at the time because of the fact that she is only 5 months pregnant. they are not sure as to whether to try and take the baby out now, and risk a most probable death for the baby, or to keep her alive as long as they can to hopefully give the baby a chance to develop a little more and have a better chance at survival. like i said, i dont know these people, but my heart is breaking in pieces for this family. please please please pray for a miracle. pray that somehow, God can bring Katie back to her husband, 2 children and family. and pray for discerment for the doctors. i can't fathom the weight of this decision on their hearts. whatever their decision about this baby, please pray that God guides them. i KNOW that God can create miracles, even when the results are against all odds. our God is so much more powerful than anything found in a hospital. i know that with ALL of my heart. THIS is just one example. but i also know, that God's miracles are not always in line with the miracles we want. He may choose to take care of this situation in his own way. whatever His will, please pray that the family will be overwhelmed with strength, courage and PEACE. pray that they remember they can do anything with God and no matter what the outcome, God can and will be given the glory. for he is still God, in the good times and the bad times. and he's got a plan that we obviously can't see. and if you can't think of anything to pray, pray anyway. God will give you the words. the Bible tells us that God will intercede when we have no words. he knows our hearts and he knows our souls. if we can just make ourselves available to pray for katie, God will do the work.
also, i'd like to be in prayer for this coming saturday. as you know we are at ft. knox, which is where many many many new soldiers go for their basic training (also known as "boot camp") this coming saturday, we will be hosting a group of these soldiers at church and providing them with worship and food. this is the first time that these guys will have been away from training, around normal people, not having a drill sergeant screaming in their face, and normal food. it is a very vulnerable time for these young men and an excellent opportunity to share with them about Jesus. Justin and Jarred went to basic here at ft knox when they joined, and i don't know about jarred, but justin remembers the time that they went to a church in louisville well. he remembers how exciting and refreshing it was and he is SO excited for this weekend. he is so excited for a time to give back. he remembers what that time did for him and how those people offering up their saturday night helped him in the midst of the struggle of basic training. and i am so excited to see him this excited about something. so we will be there in the midst of many new worn down, exhausted soldiers saturday night at 6. pray that God will be present in that building with them and that God will use us in whatever way we are needed.
since i'm talking about prayer requests right now, i wanted to take time to say that if anybody reading this has any prayer requests that you want us to pray with you about, please let me know. you can post a comment or if you dont want anybody else reading it, you can send me an email. i am also going to put a message box on this blog like i have on the other one, so you can email me through that also. i am so grateful for the prayer warriors i have in my life, and if i can pray for anyone, i am so happy to do that. i believe that prayer is such a powerful tool we've been given. we don't have to wait a month to be able to go into the temple have have a priest talk to God for us like they did in Bible days. we don't have to pray to the saints in order to get to God. we have access to Him right here, and right now. whenever we need Him. He is always there, always listening. what a blessing! even Jesus prayed to God. He needed one on one time, and strength and help with the Father just as much as we do. who are we to think we don't need to pray, huh?
The Spiritual Practice of Not Giving Up
16 hours ago
We talked about the power of prayer in Sunday School last Sunday, and someone in class sent this out yesterday. I'll be praying. Oh and I do remember going to the church in Louisville. I wish I could go up there and be able to talk to those guys if I didn't already have the Beast Feast.
Matthew 6:9-10 "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven." NOTE - Jesus always prays the will of God, and He prays that the will of God be done here on the earth just as it is in heaven. People in heaven are not sick, so we can clearly see it is God's will that we also be free from sickness and disease.
John 10:10 "The thief (satan) does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I (Jesus) have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." NOTE - Here we see the desired will of the Lord for every believer - that we experience abundant life. According to this verse He came for this very purpose. We also see clearly that it is not God who afflicts us. The word here for life is the Greek word "zoe." One highly respected commentator describes the true meaning of the word life in this verse as: "life being the highest and best of which Christ is." In light of that meaning, you can easily see the wonderful gift of life the Lord wants for each of us. Sickness and disease are truly not in His plan for us, simply because He has none to give.
I John 5:14-15 "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him." NOTE - The Word of God is the will of God. If you can find it in the Word of God then you can be assured that it is the will of God. The Lord is not trying to keep healing from you, He is trying to get it to you - Just Believe!
Galatians 3:13-14 "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessings of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ." NOTE - The curse of the law includes sickness and disease and is found in Deuteronomy 28:15-68. The first 14 verses of the chapter pertain to the blessing, and the rest of the chapter describes the curse! By the shed Blood of Jesus Christ we were purchased out of or out from under the curse!!! Especially look at verse 61, it states: "all sickness and all disease in the world, even those not written in the Book, (is included in the curse)" - so therefore we are redeemed from it all!!!
1 John 3:8b "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil." Take a look at this same verse in the Amplified version - "The reason the Son of God was made manifest (visible) was to undo (destroy, loosen, and dissolve) the works the devil [has done]." NOTE -There is no doubt that sickness and disease are works of the devil, introduced to mankind through the fall as part of the curse. This Scripture is very clear that Jesus came to undo the works of the devil. Be assured that He accomplished His task- further proof that sickness and disease have no legal right to remain in your body as a child of God! Command it to go in Jesus Name!
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